Monday, March 30, 2015

How to Fight 'Puter Booty in 5 Easy Steps

How to Fight 'Puter Booty in 5 Easy Steps

A new work week is upon us, and for those of us with office jobs, this might mean staring at a computer all day. Having a stagnant office job can be tough when you're trying to stay fit. Sitting all day is bad for your posture, calorie burn, circulation and a host of other issues.

These 5 simple exercises do not take the place of your daily workout, but they can certainly enhance your exercise program. Do the following 5-minute routine 6 times throughout your day for a total half an hour of exercise. Perform each exercise sitting up straight for 1 minute. It's helpful to set a timer or stopwatch. I use the Interval Timer app on my phone. If you're feeling extra strong and have the time, add the two BONUS exercises listed below for a 7-minute routine.

Another benefit of this easy routine is that even if you have a cubicle instead of a private office, these exercises are subtle and can pretty much be done undetected.

1) Quad Lift
Flex your quads to bring your legs parallel with the floor. If this is enough, hold here for 5 seconds, release, and repeat for 1 minute. For a bit more strengthening, flex your heels and lift your legs slightly (for most people this movement is very small, maybe an inch). Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

2) Calf LiftWith your feet flat on the floor, lift your heels and flex your calves so that you're on the ball of your feet. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute. For a bit more of a challenge, add resistance by gently pressing the quads or placing a full water bottle on your quads, right above the knee.

3) Shoulder Clench
Push your shoulders back while pulling your shoulder blades together. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

4) Glute Clench
Contract your Glute (butt) muscles. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

5) Ab Clench
Contract your Glute (butt) muscles. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

Bonus exercises to add to this routine:

6) Tricep Clench
Place your arms stiffly at your sides and lift them behind you to a comfortable angle (a subtle 20 degree angle or so should be fine). Clench your triceps. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

7) Bicep Clench
Bend your arms and hold them do that your elbows fit snugly at your waist. Clench your biceps. Hold for 5 seconds, release and repeat for 1 minute.

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